Project Constraints For School:
Limited Vision Accessibility Requirement
Every visual element of our game had to make sure to
accommodate for any form of vison impairment. This means
testing our game in various conditions like high/low
contrast filters and various color blindness settings.
Limited Dexterity Accessibility Requirement
Our game must be completable by a player using just one
hand on the controls at a time. Not everyone has the
luxury of being able to use two hands to play a videogame
so our instructors thought it pressing that we address
this issue.
Limited Audition Accessibility Requirement
Our game must be able to be played and completed without
the necessity of sound. Any auditory elements of our
project must include some form of visual feedback.
Limited Energy and Attention Accessibility Requirement
Many people have only a limited ammount of free time in
their day. To accommodate for this our game must be able
to have resting points every 2 minutes. This must be a
natural resting point as well, meaning not when the player
has to pause the game partway through.
Localization Requirement
For all of the text in our game we needed to have it be
translated to more than just English. We also needed to
include a language that was either logographic or
right-to-left. So in our vertical slice demo, we have
options for English and Hebrew language on all text in our
Offline Game Requirement
We were given the option to make either an online or
offline game for our class, with each path having it's own
requirements. For our offline game we needed to make sure
that the game was entirely completable offline, and any
data transferred over the internet in downloading the game
was less than 100 MiB.