Embark on a thrilling adventure

Hunter's Requiem Devlog

Our Origins

The idea for Hunter's Requiem started in 2022 when we were Juniors in college. Then in our Senior year we were given the opportunity to make this game a reality. For two of our classes we were asked to make a game of our choosing, which was perfect! However it came with a couple of constraints...
Project Constraints For School:

Limited Vision Accessibility Requirement

Every visual element of our game had to make sure to accommodate for any form of vison impairment. This means testing our game in various conditions like high/low contrast filters and various color blindness settings.

Limited Dexterity Accessibility Requirement

Our game must be completable by a player using just one hand on the controls at a time. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to use two hands to play a videogame so our instructors thought it pressing that we address this issue.

Limited Audition Accessibility Requirement

Our game must be able to be played and completed without the necessity of sound. Any auditory elements of our project must include some form of visual feedback.

Limited Energy and Attention Accessibility Requirement

Many people have only a limited ammount of free time in their day. To accommodate for this our game must be able to have resting points every 2 minutes. This must be a natural resting point as well, meaning not when the player has to pause the game partway through.

Localization Requirement

For all of the text in our game we needed to have it be translated to more than just English. We also needed to include a language that was either logographic or right-to-left. So in our vertical slice demo, we have options for English and Hebrew language on all text in our game.

Offline Game Requirement

We were given the option to make either an online or offline game for our class, with each path having it's own requirements. For our offline game we needed to make sure that the game was entirely completable offline, and any data transferred over the internet in downloading the game was less than 100 MiB.
Our Team
Alex Groff - Programming Lead
Aidan Adams
Anna Schultz
Stephanie Ramirez
Steven Ren
Shaney Etkin - Art Lead
Arad Elkayam
Garrett Hong
Marisa Ervin

Our Development Process

Discover what makes Hunter's Requiem a must-play game
image During our production of Hunter's Requiem one of our team members, Steven, decided to start making his own blog posts about his work on the project.
As a small peek into our development process, here are a few of those Devlogs!
Steven Ren Devlog #1 - Coroutine Panic image Hi all, I'm Steven Ren and this is my first devlog. I'll be talking about parrying and dodging in the prototype of our game, Hunter's Requiem!

During the design meetings, we decided on a parrying and a dodging mechanic for the hunter, the protagonist. This will be his main tool for combat against the monsters!

For this, I've weighed my options and decided to use coroutines over animations. Even though animating it would allow better control, I opted for coroutines since we don't have assets currently created for the hunter.

Another big benefit it has is that it's very easily modifiable! Just adjust the public variables and boom! Properties adjusted! I have found this to be very helpful during playtesting when trying to find the perfect values.

Combined with the coroutines, I'm using enums to track the player's current state and parrying and dodging appropriately!

I'm looking forward to working more on this!
Steven Ren Devlog #2 - Looping World image Hello all! It's ya boi Steven again!

I've been busy! Among all my midterms and projects and stuff, we decided to make the tutorial area looping. Due to our time restriction for the vertical slice, we've decided that the best course of action would be instead of implementing new areas and expanding the map, we should make the starting area looping instead.

To implement this I used a black panel that I animated to fade in and out and do all of the backend stuff during the black screen like the player teleportation and the monster despawning. I created 2 animation clips, one of the black screen fading in and another one of it fading out. In between the clips is when the world gets wacky during the changes. If only the player could see through the black fog, they would see the player flying and enemies getting obliterated by god lol.

I've also created a backend state for the player to be in like blocking and rolling so that they can't move and are invincible during their trip.

Safe travels!
Steven Ren Devlog #3 - Perfect Block
Happy March everyone!

This time Steven Productions™ is bring you perfect blocking!

After playtesting, we heard from our playtesters that because of how well the attacks are telegraphed (well done Garret woo), they're dying (pun not intended) for a parry mechanic, which we previously implemented but took out. Unfortunately a parry mechanic doesn't exactly fit with the ideas our design team had in mind so we opted for a perfect block mechanic instead.

I was inspired of the perfect parry from Secrets of Grindea where the perfect parry damages the enemy by a little and pushes them back. But that's more of a cartoonish game so we chose to have it apply knockback and stun instead.

I ran into some problems when attempting to implement this. First of all, we're using navmesh for enemy AI navigation so they don't have a rigidbody. Second, we're still suffering from the bug where navmeshes push each other and eat their momentum.

Fortunately, I found a easy workaround for the navmesh problem. I found a combination of angular speed, speed, and acceleration values that successfully "knocks" the enemy back. Second, a temporary bypass for the navmesh problem is brute force! I found out that the bigger the knockback force is, the more likely for it to strong arm the knockback through the other smaller enemies!

Look forward to trying it out in the full game!
Steven Ren Devlog #4 - World Instantiation image Happy almost end of quarter everyone!

There's now more resources and enemies in the game! I managed to get the plants to randomly spawn and new enemies to randomly spawn as well when killed. Plants randomly spawn anywhere on the map away from other plants and objects (except for mistletoe which only spawns at the top of the map) and enemies can spawn anywhere not next to other enemies, objects, and the player's screen!

For this vertical slice, each of the 4 plant spawns 3 copies of itself. So I use a nested for loop for the spawning. Inside the nested for loop, I create an array of gameobjects to avoid, like plants and objects. Then in a forever loop, I continuously generate random coordinates until it's a good distance away from every game object in the array. I wonder if there's a better way to implement this...

The ghoul spawning is pretty much the same with an extra winkle in the mix: it has to be off the player's current screen! It would be weird if the player kills an enemy just for another one to descent from heaven right in front of them, mocking their arrogance (lol).

To implement this, I did some research, after all, I've never thought about the player screen before, just the world coordinates. At the end of the day, I settled on using aspect, orthographicSize, and a little math instead of ScreenToWorldPoint. I use the player's current X position and add or subtract the player's camera's aspect ratio * orthographicSize to find the left and right screen bound. Afterwards, I do a simple if statement in the spawn to check if it's out of that left and right range or not.

With those new managers combined, the world is now populated with life!

And I said let there be plants and enemies!
Read more at https://hydrangeacolored.itch.io/hunters-requiem


Here is a list of what each individual team member contributed.
Alex Groff - Programming Lead
  • Combat
  • Damage Types
  • Status Effects
  • Systems Design
  • Inventory
  • Aidan Adams - Programmer
  • Player Combat
  • Plant Pickups
  • Anna Schultz - Programmer
  • Crafting
  • Enemy Attacks
  • Parallax
  • Stephanie Ramirez - Programmer
  • Menus
  • UI
  • Scene Management
  • Localization
  • Steven Ren - Programmer
  • Random Plants /  Enemy Spawns
  • World Looping
  • Player Block / Rolling
  • Perfect Block
  • Shadows
  • Artists:
    Shaney Etkin - Art Lead, Design Lead
  • Background and item assets
  • Character and UI design
  • System Design
  • Player/monster attacks
  • Damage types and status effects
  • Crafting
  • Arad Elkayam - Sound Designer
  • Background music
  • Main menu music
  • Sound effects
  • Garrett Hong - Animator, Artist
  • Character animations
  • Player/monster movement
  • Player/monster attacks
  • Status effect animations
  • Monster design
  • Marisa Ervin - Writing Lead, Producer
  • Codex descriptions
  • Inventory descriptions
  • Intro narrative
  • Team/meeting scheduling
  • Monster concept art